Fee-free Mid-Year Reception

Is your child ready for school?

Many Catholic schools across South Australia are now offering a mid-year Reception enrolment intake for students who turn five on or before October 31. Mary MacKillop Memorial School is delighted to be one of these schools, providing flexibility and enhanced learning opportunities for our community.

Our Mid-Year Reception program is a nurturing and nature filled environment to begin your child's school journey, and is designed to facilitate a smooth and seamless transition into Reception.

As a way to support local families begin their child’s school journey, Mary MacKillop Memorial School offers fee-free mid year reception for all students who enrol to start in Term 3 2024. Please ask the school for more details.

Students who start in Term 3 will spend 18 months in Reception before progressing to Year 1.

For further information, please book a Tour or contact Janice on 87372902 or jcoote@mmms.catholic.edu.au 


<strong>Fee-free Mid-Year Reception</strong>